use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; use utf8; use Encode; use Irssi; use POSIX (); our $VERSION = "1.6"; our %IRSSI = ( authors => 'David Leadbeater', contact => '', name => 'urlinfo', description => 'Print short summaries about URLs from known services that are mentioned on IRC. (Including YouTube, etc.)', license => 'WTFPL ', url => '', ); # This is needed so it can still run standalone for testing. BEGIN { Irssi->import(20140628) if __PACKAGE__ =~ /Irssi/; # This needs Irssi 0.8.17 } BEGIN { eval { require HTML::TreeBuilder; require URI; } or do { print "\x{3}8You need to install HTML::TreeBuilder and URI"; if (-f "/etc/debian_version") { print "Try running: \x{3}9sudo apt-get install libhtml-treebuilder-perl libwww-perl"; } die $@; } } # ------- Settings # /SET urlinfo_title_unknown ON|OFF # Show title of all unknown sites. (There is a timeout to prevent against # obvious resource exhaustion attacks, but remember this script has no # warranty.) # # /SET urlinfo_timeout 10 # How many seconds after which to give up trying to fetch a URL # # /SET urlinfo_ignore_domains example\.org example\.com # Space separated list of regular expressions of domains to ignore # # /SET urlinfo_ignore_targets freenode #something efnet/#example # Space separated list of targets to ignore. # # /SET urlinfo_send_channels freenode #something efnet/#example # Space separated list of targets to post in the channel. # # /SET urlinfo_custom_domains my\.domain/thing irssi\.org=description # A limited way of configuring custom domains, if you need something more # complex edit SITES below. # Format: domain[/path[=from]] # ------- Sites configuration # This script aims to be data driven, this hash has "site_name => {site details}" # site details is a hash reference which can contain: # cleanup: A regexp of text to remove from the resulting string # domain: A string (or regexp, with qr//) of the domain to match (www. is # removed automatically). # from: Where to read the info "title", "description" (meta description) or # a regexp to match the content (default "title") # example: Example of this URL # expected: What the example should return (see end for testing) # items: An array ref of additional hashes to allow multiple of these values # e.g.: items => [ { domain => "" } ] # path: Path component (string or regexp) # my %SITES = ( vimeo => { cleanup => qr/\s*on Vimeo$/, domain => "", path => qr{/\d+}, example => "", expected => "Journey Part 1", }, youtube => { cleanup => qr/\s*-\s*YouTube$/, items => [ { domain => "", example => "", expected => "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Live 1987)", }, { domain => "", path => "/watch", example => "", expected => "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Live 1987)", }, ], }, metacpan => { cleanup => qr/\s*-\s*metacpan\.org$/, domain => "", path => qr{^/pod/}, example => "", from => "description", expected => "read, eval, print, loop, yay!", }, pypi => { domain => "", path => qr{^/pypi/}, from => "description", example => "", expected => "A Stanford Core NLP wrapper (wordseer fork)", }, gist => { cleanup => qr/\s*-\s*Gist is .*$/, domain => "", from => ["og:title", "description"], example => "", expected => "An install script that installs a development version of perl (from ". "git) and keeps a particular set of modules installed. Sort of ". "perlbrew for blead, but not quite.", }, github => { domain => "", items => [ { # issue, commit or pull cleanup => qr/\s*·.*$/, path => qr{^/[^/]+/[^/]+/(?:issues|commit|pull)/[a-f0-9]}, example => "", expected => "FS#155 hilight -tag", }, { # user or project from => "og:description", path => qr{^/[^/]+(?:/[^/]+)?$}, example => "", expected => "irssi - The client of the future", }, ], }, ); # ------- Site handling sub expand { my @expanded_sites; for my $site(keys %SITES) { expand_site(\@expanded_sites, $site, $SITES{$site}, {}); } return @expanded_sites; } # This essentially implements inheritance (via the "items" key), to reduce # duplication. sub expand_site { my($expanded_sites, $site, $site_data, $current) = @_; delete $current->{items}; my $s = { name => $site, from => "title", %$current, %$site_data, }; if (exists $s->{items}) { expand_site($expanded_sites, $site, $_, $s) for @{$s->{items}}; } else { push @$expanded_sites, $s; } } sub _matcher { my($site, $item) = @_; return 1 unless defined $site; return 1 if ref $site eq 'ARRAY' && grep _matcher($_, $item), @$site; return 1 if ref $site && $site->isa("Regexp") && $item =~ $site; return $site eq $item; } sub get_site { my($sites, $url) = @_; my $uri = URI->new($url); $uri = URI->new("http://$url") unless $uri and $uri->scheme; return unless $uri and $uri->can("host") and $uri->host and $uri->scheme =~ /^https?$/; for my $site(@$sites) { my $match = 1; $match &&= _matcher($site->{domain}, $uri->host =~ s/^www\.//ri); $match &&= _matcher($site->{$_}, $uri->$_) for qw(scheme host path query fragment); return $site, $uri if $match; } if (Irssi::settings_get_bool("urlinfo_title_unknown")) { return { name => "unknown", from => "title" }, $uri; } return; } my %from = ( title => sub { $_[0]->look_down(_tag => 'title')->as_trimmed_text; }, description => sub { my $el = $_[0]->look_down(_tag => 'meta', name => 'description'); $el && $el->attr('content'); }, 'og:description' => sub { my $el = $_[0]->look_down(_tag => 'meta', property => 'og:description'); $el && $el->attr('content'); }, 'og:title' => sub { my $el = $_[0]->look_down(_tag => 'meta', property => 'og:title'); $el && $el->attr('content'); }, ); sub get_info { my($site, $uri) = @_; my $from = $site->{from}; my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_url($uri); my $info; if (!ref $from || ref $from eq 'ARRAY') { $info = join ": ", grep defined, map $from{$_}->($tree), ref $from ? @$from : $from; } else { $info = join "", $tree->as_html =~ $from; } $info =~ s/$site->{cleanup}// if $site->{cleanup}; $info =~ s/([\x00-\x19])/sprintf "\\x%x", ord $1/ger; } # ------- IRC message handling # John Gruber's URL regexp (nicely handles people putting URLs in parens, etc) my $URL_RE = qr{((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))}; my $pipe_in_progress; my @sites; my $timeout = 10; sub msg { my($server, $text, $nick, undef, $target) = @_; # TODO: Add a queue / multiple pipe support? return if $pipe_in_progress; my $msg_time = time; my $tag = $server->{tag}; $target = $target || $nick; $text = Irssi::strip_codes($text); if (my($url) = $text =~ $URL_RE) { my($site, $uri) = get_site(\@sites, $url); return unless $site; return if ignored($uri, $server, $target); fork_wrapper(sub { # Child my($fh) = @_; syswrite $fh, " " . encode_utf8(get_info($site, $uri)); }, sub { # Parent my $in = decode_utf8($_[0]); if ($in =~ s/^- //) { print "\x{3}4urlinfo error:\x{3} $in"; return; } $in =~ s/^ //; return unless $in; # Avoid reusing server just in case it is no longer valid my $server = Irssi::server_find_tag($tag); my $win = find_window($server, $target); my $view = $win->view; my $line = $view->get_lines; while ($line && ($line = $line->next)) { if ($line->{info}->{time} >= $msg_time) { if ($line->get_text(0) =~ /\Q$url/) { last; } } } my $timestamp = POSIX::strftime( Irssi::settings_get_str("timestamp_format"), localtime $msg_time); # I'm sure I shouldn't have to care about colours here... my $pad = length Irssi::strip_codes($timestamp); if (not(send2channel($server,$target,$url,$in))) { my $text = $win->format_get_text(__PACKAGE__, $server, $target, "urlinfo", " " x $pad, $in); $win->print_after($line, MSGLEVEL_NO_ACT|MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP, $text, $msg_time); $view->redraw; } }); } } sub send2channel { my ($server,$target,$url,$in) =@_; my @cl= split(" ",Irssi::settings_get_str('urlinfo_send_channels')); my $s=0; foreach ( @cl) { if ( $_ eq $target || $_ eq $server->{tag}."/".$target) { $s=1; $server->command("msg $target urlinfo: $in"); last; } } return $s; } sub ignored { my($uri, $server, $target) = @_; my @ignored_domains = split / /, Irssi::settings_get_str('urlinfo_ignore_domains'); my $domain = $uri->host =~ s/^www\.//r; return 1 if grep $domain =~ /^$_$/, @ignored_domains; my $chans = $server->isupport("chantypes") || '#&'; my $chan_match = qr/^[$chans]/; for my $ignored_target (split / /, Irssi::settings_get_str('urlinfo_ignore_targets')) { my($mtag, $mtarget) = split m{/}, $ignored_target; if ($mtag =~ $chan_match) { $mtarget = $mtag; $mtag = "*"; } return 1 if _match($mtag, $server->{tag}) && (!$mtarget || _match($mtarget, $target)); } return 0; } sub _match { my($pattern, $name) = @_; $pattern =~ s/\*/.*/g; $name =~ /^$pattern$/i; } sub find_window { my($server, $target) = @_; if (my $witem = $server->window_item_find($target)) { return $witem->window; } else { # Maybe they have a msgs window? my $win = Irssi::window_find_name("(msgs)"); # Ultimate fallback $win = Irssi::window_find_refnum(1) unless $win; return $win; } } # Based on scriptassist. sub fork_wrapper { my($child, $parent) = @_; pipe(my $rfh, my $wfh); my $pid = fork; $pipe_in_progress = 1; return unless defined $pid; if ($pid) { close $wfh; Irssi::pidwait_add($pid); my $pipetag; my @args = ($rfh, \$pipetag, $parent); $pipetag = Irssi::input_add(fileno($rfh), Irssi::INPUT_READ, \&pipe_input, \@args); } else { eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timed out\n" }; alarm $timeout; $child->($wfh); }; alarm 0; syswrite $wfh, encode_utf8("- $@") if $@; POSIX::_exit(1); } } sub pipe_input { my ($rfh, $pipetag, $parent) = @{$_[0]}; my $line = <$rfh>; close($rfh); Irssi::input_remove($$pipetag); $pipe_in_progress = 0; $parent->($line); } sub setup_changed { $timeout = Irssi::settings_get_int("urlinfo_timeout"); @sites = expand(); for my $site (split / /, Irssi::settings_get_str("urlinfo_custom_domains")) { next unless $site; my($re, $from) = split /=/, $site; $from ||= "title"; my($domain, $path) = split m{/}, $re, 2; expand_site(\@sites, "custom", { domain => qr/^$domain$/, path => defined $path ? qr/^\/$path/ : undef, from => $from, }, {}); } } # ------- Initialization if (caller) { # Irssi specific initialization require Irssi::TextUI; Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name}, "urlinfo_custom_domains", ""); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name}, "urlinfo_ignore_domains", ""); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name}, "urlinfo_ignore_targets", ""); Irssi::settings_add_str($IRSSI{name}, "urlinfo_send_channels", ""); Irssi::settings_add_int($IRSSI{name}, "urlinfo_timeout", $timeout); Irssi::settings_add_bool($IRSSI{name}, "urlinfo_title_unknown", 0); Irssi::signal_add("message irc action" => \&msg); Irssi::signal_add("message private" => \&msg); Irssi::signal_add("message public" => \&msg); Irssi::signal_add_last("setup changed", \&setup_changed); setup_changed(); Irssi::theme_register([ 'urlinfo' => '$0 %Kinfo:%n $1', ]); } else { # Built in test. Run this script outside Irssi to use. @sites = expand(); for my $site(@sites) { next unless $site->{example}; my($found_site, $uri) = get_site(\@sites, $site->{example}); if ($found_site != $site) { die "Got $found_site->{name}, expected $site->{name}"; } say "Get $uri"; my $result = get_info($site, $uri); say $result; die "Got $result, expected $site->{expected}" unless $result eq $site->{expected}; } say "OK"; }