- Hi Bootsy,
- Wow, you're the first "real" person to find this. I had a problem with Russian spammers a few months ago, that's the only activity other than my friends and me thus far.
- Sorry for the belated reply, but I haven't checked my pastebin in a while.
- Curious as to what kind of Google search it was.
- Yes, we are a friend group. Do you know about OLPC? The One Laptop Per Child project from about a decade ago that kind of fizzled out? The little green Linux laptops.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Laptop_per_Child
- I live in Birmingham, AL, which was the largest US deployment. I've been working with Linux since the turn of the century, so I volunteered to help. As a part of that, I set up a "schoolserver" for testing and part of that was a chat server. So, I invited folks to join and test with me. A lot of the users were from the G1G1 (give one get one) program, so they joined from their XOs.
- Over a decade later, I'm working in web hosting support and there's still a little core group of a few of us still on my chat server. I moved it from hosting it on an old Dell "schoolserver" in my house to a Digital Ocean droplet.
- Since it's relatively easy for me to host stuff nowadays, I throw up new things every now and then, this pastebin was one. I happened to buy anna.fyi on a lark and thought it might be a good use for it for us to share things on a pastebin. I asked around at work and Stikked had some recommendations.
- I run the servers for our friend group. I'm an English major, btw, lol.
- It's good to hear from a real person on the internet! You can email me at anna at schoolfield.org if you'd like to find out more about our little group.
Re: who's anna?
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